Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Now that all of the trips are pretty much over with in Costa Rica I cannot wait to go home. I have had a great time and learned a lot about sustainablility, but I miss my mommy. Also the food here got old about four days in. I am not used to eating the same thing everyday, three times a day. I am very glad that I chose to come on this trip. It really opened my eyes how I have to change my ways, and how the world will have to change its ways in order to live in a clean world. I also really enjoyed staying with the host families because now I am really good at charades since our maid did not speak any english, and our grandma only speaks a little. They are incredibly nice and really enjoy our company because they do not get too many visitors. Anyways, I am tired and ready to get back to civilization, but I really enjoyed my experiences here.

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